Friday, May 14, 2010

The article "United We Stand" by MS AG talks about the Arizona Immigration Law. She describes in great detail her opinion on the law and how it is racial and doesn't agree with the civil rights, which i totally agree with. She has done a great job writing this blog in that way but doesn't back up her opinion and thoughts with evidence from any articles or discussions on the subject. This blog is well worded and well written but could use quotes and maybe a link. I also like how she compares this racist issue to the racism of African Americans from sometime ago.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Arizona Immigration Bill

Arizona political officers believe that illegal immigration is a huge problem for them. They believe that because of illegal immigrates there are more crimes committed and job opportunities taken away from the U.S citizens living in Arizona. So therefore they came up with the Arizona Immigration Bill which was signed April 23rd 2010. This law allows cops to question anyone who they suspect of being an illegal immigrant.
This Law is a little out of hand. It is racist when it comes to the cops questioning someone who looks like an immigrant because they have an accent, speak another language or don't look American. According to Obama this law is violating the civil rights, but not only does it violate the civil rights but it is also unconstitutional according to Frank Sharry (director of America's voice). The constitution states that congress is responsible for regulating immigration not the state. So Arizona shouldn't be signing a law that has to do with a federal issue. Immigration is a nationwide problem not state, if a law is going to be passed dealing with immigration it needs to be made through congress and made a federal law. The country border needs to be better secured and the current illegal immigrants need to become legal. So many people have lived here almost their whole lives and are not legal but if they go back to Mexico they don't know anything or have anywhere to go. Also if you run out all the illegal immigrants in Arizona or anywhere else your running out thousands and thousands of people, your neighbors, friends and coworkers.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama's plans to cut the ambitious back-to-the moon program

In the blog "Add one more thing to the list.." discusses Obama's plans to cut the budget and shut down ambitious back-to-the moon program (aka Constellation). The author explains the topic and provides quotes and facts regarding the Constellation being shut down and doesn't state his argument until the end.
The author explaining the topic in the majority of his commentary doesn't make much of an argument. He provides quotes which is good but doesn't use it to support his argument or opinion. He also didn't state any articles or blogs that could have persuade or support his opinion on the topic. I liked the editorial or commentary but it needed more support on why the budget shouldn't be cut.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Gay Marriage Being Counted in the Census Bureau

The census bereau has already for the first time deployed professional field workers to reach out to lesbian and gay couples. They are encouraging lesbians and gay couples to file as wife or husband on their census forms, but should gay couples be counted as being married? Some argue they have the right to just like everyone else and some say it will redefine marriage.
In our pledge allegiance we have the statement "one nation under God" God created marriage to be man with women. Legalizing gay marriage and allowing them to be counted as being married breaks that oath and goes against what God created to be. We say our nation is a christian nation being under God but how can we say that if we count gay couples as being married. People have the freedom to love whoever they may weather it be the same sex or not but it still doesn't make it right for them to be married to the same sex.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


In the article 'Scofflaw cyclists' the law and motorist outrage found in the Los Angeles Times talks about the outrage between cyclists and motorists. Who is at fault? Paul argues that its motorists who are not fair to cyclists by the aggression they show to the cyclists. Paul explains both sides of the cyclists and motorist point of view on this issue which is really good. At the beginning he states where his argument came from, a comment from an article discussing the issue of cyclists and then quotes a paragraph from this article. He also argues that NOT all cyclists avoid the laws they should be following. He knows and states that you do have your few scofflaw cyclists who run stop signs and such but that does not give the right for motorist to act in a life threatening matter.
I would say he makes a pretty good argument here. He shows where his argument originated from, as well as both perspectives of the cyclists and motorists. He also includes the California vehicle codes regarding cyclists. Another thing was him being a cyclists he had a lot of opinions about motorists, cyclists not wearing helmets and running stop signs and the many cyclists who are just riding the route obeying stop signs and red lights.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nuclear Power Plants

In the article Obama urges new round of nuclear plants, Obama talks about how he will provide billions of dollars in loan guarantees to help build nuclear power plants in America. His first initiative is to help build a power plant in Georgia providing just over $8 billion in loan guarantees. Then tripling that amount to build more safer and cleaner nuclear facilities with a total of $54.5 billion loan guarantees. Some say the loan was stripped from the $862 billion stimulus bill Obama signed a year ago and that this proposal is a dangerous way to solve global warming. Obama is confident that this will work and that it is a positive thing for America. Federal regulators are reviewing the applications for the 22 power plants to be built over the next two decades.